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Septic Tank Treatment

Date Added: October 20, 2010 09:21:18 PM

Septic tank treatment products have been a topic of discussion throughout the wastewater industry since the 1800’s when they were believed to have been invented by the French home owner John Mouras. Mouras knew that the human body actually produces a natural septic tank treatment in the form of coli-form - a type of bacteria that creates an action within a septic tank that helps to break down the solids in the wastewater creating a byproduct of carbon dioxide and effluent or water.

The introduction of anti bacterial products such as hand soaps, household cleaners and bleaches has been blamed for having a negative impact in the way our septic tanks and cesspit digest organic solids. The solids will typically convert into a black tar like substance clogging soil pores, resulting in a septic system failure.

High bacterial count septic tank treatments designed to "shock" (a common septic tank treatment process) the system are often successfully employed into the failing septic system. This will cause the digestion process to reactivate breaking down solid sludge and bio-mat restoring the system and drain field lateral lines to original condition. Chemical treatments such as toxic acids and additives are typically a short term alternative while bacteria based septic tank treatments on the other hand, will continue to grow and multiply creating a healthy septic system environment.

Watch what goes down the drain. Controlling what goes into the water that enters the septic system is just as important as the amount of water that flows into the system. We have listed just a few items below that will give you some insight into the (Do’s and Don'ts) of septic systems.

  • Use water saving shower heads and faucet aerators.
  • Repair leaking toilets, drains and faucets (ad food coloring to the bowl or drain to detect leaks).
  • Use water saving washers and space out the time between washings. This will limit the flow of gray water to the drain field.
  • Never dispose of toxic waste or hazardous chemicals such as paint, household cleansers and oils. Dumping these items down your drain can contaminate groundwater.
  • Avoid using house hold cleaning products that contain anti bacteria properties. These products will kill the live bacteria that are essential to the digestion of the septic system.
  • In the event you do experience a build up of sludge’s and organic wastes or blockage, always consider all natural methods for septic tank treatments as opposed to a chemical solution.

The most common, practical and proven method of unclogging a septic system is to shock the system with a high count bacteria product followed up with a monthly bacterial maintenance program. NT-Max septic tank shock treatment loaded directly into the system will normally open a drain field digesting bio-mat in 1 to 5 weeks. Introduce a monthly maintenance program and you will avoid repairs and excessive pump outs now and down the road.