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Safely Operating Gas And Nitro R/C Toys |
Date Added: March 27, 2011 08:03:58 PM |
R/C nitro toys have become very popular for car hobbyists. They are loved by both adults and young ones. They are easily available in a lot of hobby stores and come in a range of makes and prices to fit every pocket. The most popular of these toy vehicles are R/C nitro trucks, R/C nitro cars and nitro buggys. If you are about to buy or already have one, it is important that you have a basic understanding of how to handle these toys. As a safety measure, before running the car you should use oil for the air filter. This helps to keep dust and dirt from getting into the engine. If you do not oil the filter, the engine can be damaged in very little time. The dirt sticks to the oil on the material of the air filter and does not get to the engine. The filter has to be washed with soap and water after some time. It is then re-oiled. These toys are a lot of fun and the more durable ones could take a good number of years of use. However, there are basic safety practices that should be followed to avoid the hazards that could come from using R/C nitro cars. Nitro RC cars are power by nitro which is a combination of nitro methane, methanol and oil. They are not powered by ordinary gasoline; therefore do not under any condition put gasoline in your nitro R/C buggy or truck. The high flammability of nitro methane requires that the fuel should be handled with care. There should be no form of smoke or naked fire close to the fuel of your nitro R/C buggy. If you spill any fuel in the process of fuel the car, use a piece of cloth to wipe it immediately. This helps to avoid fire incidents. There is another safety measure to be aware to avoid hazards. Nitro R/C cars use different mixtures of fuel. There have been cases of fuel accidents. If you have more than one RC toy the chances are that they use different fuel mixtures. Keep the fuel separated by putting a label on each of the containers to differentiate. Remember to do this if you are with friends that have RC trucks too. If you are storing nitro fuel at home you should also be careful where you keep it. You should not keep nitro fuel near naked fire. Also keep it away from heaters in the home. The container should be tightly closed to avoid evaporation. Moisture is another thing to be wary off. Nitro fuel attracts moisture so if kept in a wet environment it will become weal by absorbing moisture and the fuel might become harmful to your R/C nitro buggy. This article was submitted by Edgar Robson Officer of Sea Breeze Marketing,Inc. Dba as |
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